Sunday, April 15, 2012

God Dwells Within Us Now

By Hazel Holland

 We who believe in Him are now a new creation!

Our struggle as Christians is against something called the FLESH, but it is not against our old nature. The whole point of the gospel is that Jesus Christ has made each of us who believe in Him into a new person. We are a new creation!  The old has gone and the new has come! Our old sinful nature was crucified with Christ and in its place God has given us a new spirit.  We have received a new heart!  This is where God dwells within us now... in our new heart/spirit.

Yes, we still fight our flesh and sin, but our sinful nature has been removed. Our new identity now is saint NOT sinner!  Although our flesh still wants us to gain identity from our soul (mind, emotions and will) or our body (physical being and appearance), our new identity comes from our new heart/spirit... our new identity in Jesus Christ!

As Christians we now choose to walk after the flesh or after the Spirit. But walking after the Spirit is what God has designed for us to do, because walking after the flesh will never satisfy the longings of our new heart that He has given us!

The identity we build in the flesh is nothing compared to knowing our real identity in Jesus Christ! God intends for us to grow in the same way we first received Christ... through believing and depending on His finished work on the cross, and allowing the Spirit of God to be our Life!  God's way is so simple and beautiful... Jesus plus nothing!♥

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